Background On My Association With Pacific Trailways
Chapter 7
By the spring of 1976 I was anxious to find a place of my own. As a student there were only so many locations affordable to me. I chose the Pioneer Hotel next door to the Trailways Depot. This for the cost, convenience, and location (there was also an unexpected boon-- maid service). My Dad agreed and my best friend's mother at school helped me move with her station wagon. This was a big step for me, even though I had been quite independent during summer vacations, I had never had a place of my own. I loved the location and remember living downtown Bend was a quite a treat. There were many an early morning when I would walk through Drake Park, or along the downtown streets, enjoying the ambiance and my new found freedom.
This summer I did not go to Mt. Hood, instead I stayed at Bend. A neighbor at the Pioneer (separated from his wife) had bought a used gold 1966 Cadillac Coupe De Ville. His family lived in Lewiston, I think, and he offered me a trip to Dayton, and a ride back on his way through. This was my escape for a week or so. The route, the same as Trailways. (Picture taken just prior to our journey behind the Pioneer and Trailways Bus Station).